وجدنا 119 الدورات متاح لك

Cryptocurrency Investment Fundamentals

4 دروس
15.3 ساعات
جميع المستويات

Do you want to learn more about Cryptocurrency Investment? Are …

What you'll learn
Learn how to buy, sell, and store cryptocurrencies including using digital wallets
Learn about how to identify cryptocurrencies to invest in and how to employ proper investment strategies
Learn some excellent resources for increasing your knowledge on investment fundamentals, and where to find cryptocurrency communities

Course on Growing and Caring For Plants

5 دروس
2.3 ساعات
جميع المستويات

Negotiation is a skill well worth mastering – by putting …

What you'll learn
Negotiate effectively and fairly to make 1000s more than they would otherwise
Be confident in starting and finishing a negotiation
Use smart tactics to increase their bargaining power
Develop mental and emotional strength to keep pushing until they get a great price
Use negotiating skills in both personal and professional situations
Bargain over everything from huge corporate deals, to flea market haggles
Combat common techniques to ensure their profit isn't diminished without them noticing

Cook Real Food: How to Make Simple Plant-Based Meals

5 دروس
2.6 ساعات
جميع المستويات

If you’re struggling to lose weight or stick to a …

What you'll learn
Be able to use simple tricks and techniques to make self-control easier.
Actually apply these strategies and make a deliberate effort to understand their effects
Have a huge advantage when it comes to sticking to your diet
Meeting your fitness goals, and leading a healthier lifestyle.

Consulting Approach to Problem Solving

6 دروس
2.5 ساعات

Do you feel that you already know all possible frameworks of business …

What you'll learn
You will understand and appreciate the problem solving technique used by the top consulting firms like McKinsey, BCG, Bain and Strategy
At the same time you will get acquainted with how business and consulting projects ought to be structured
You will master the basic knowledge on hypothesis-based problem solving that will let you proceed to more advanced courses on solving business problems
In effect, you will be able to impress either your boss or your interlocutors at business case interviews

Confidence and Develop Confident Body Language

2 ساعات
جميع المستويات

Most importantly your body language has a tremendous impact on …

What you'll learn
Explore the most powerful body language techniques for feeling & looking more confident
Discover how to get yourself into the "Winner's State"

Computer Science: Mathematical and Analytical

5 دروس
2.3 ساعات

Negotiation is a skill well worth mastering – by putting …

What you'll learn
Negotiate effectively and fairly to make 1000s more than they would otherwise
Be confident in starting and finishing a negotiation
Use smart tactics to increase their bargaining power
Develop mental and emotional strength to keep pushing until they get a great price
Use negotiating skills in both personal and professional situations
Bargain over everything from huge corporate deals, to flea market haggles
Combat common techniques to ensure their profit isn't diminished without them noticing

Complete SEO Training | Rank #1 in Google with SEO

10.3 ساعات
جميع المستويات

The SEO Training 2020, The Complete SEO Course for WordPress …

What you'll learn
Get targeted traffic to your site, by using the chosen transactional / informative long tail keywords
Make your website load fast in less than 1 second & increase sales / conversions by 200%
Easy link building techniques to improve your domain authority and domain rating

Complete Guide To Instagram Growth

5.9 ساعات

This Instagram course is designed for anyone who want to …

What you'll learn
Have valuable skills that will help you effectively build a strong community of Instagram followers
Convert them to paying customers, and finally sell them your products and services.
You'll also receive practice activities, live demonstrations, and helpful resources
Gathering a strong relevant following, to increasing the profit of your business.
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